Apr 30, 2009

Looking back with Paula Deen

These photos were taken on Sunday, Feb. 17, 2008, when we were once again on the same show as Paula Deen (In the Kitchen). We had a chance to visit and pal around a bit. I took photos of her with people who asked me to (I always have my camera with me... and emailed their pictures to them).

Barbara and I met Paula probably 10 years ago when we came to QVC for Cookbook Corners. I remember her preparing her food herself and getting so stressed trying to get it all done before air time. I had just given up doing it myself and recommended to her that she go with a stylist. Talented Bobbi Cappelli did mine, and soon after did Paula's as well. We both were grateful for not having the stress of all the preparation it takes to have everything ready for a live show. (A Thanksgiving dinner is much easier by comparison!)

Paula is just as down to earth as she appears on her shows, always laughing through those blue, blue eyes, and fun to be around. I ask how she is coping with so much going on, and she replies that she is enjoying it and has people who plan everything out for her. She got where she is by working very hard through some tough times. I admire her very much. You go, girl!

~ Gwen

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